Conductor Bar
800 Series Conductor Rails
Enclosed Conductor Rails
Push Button Pendants and Pendant Cable
Cable Festoon Systems
VersaReel Commercial Spring Reels
PowerReel Spring Driven Cable Reels
Motorized Reels
Radio Remote Controls
Crane Bumpers
BridgeGuard Collision Avoidance Systems
ENDO Air Balancers
ENDO Spring Balancers
ENDO Air Hoists
Bulk Round Cables
Conductix-Wampfler USA Forms and Certificates
Catalogs / Manuals
Introducing: New Quick Quote Program
Slip Rings
Workplaces and Handling
ENDO Other Items
- Introducing: New Quick Quote Program
We are pleased to offer our new QUICK QUOTE program. The new program features a number of improvements:
> It runs within your browser; no special installation needed. (Note: The system runs best within Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.)
> We've added more product functionality: Improved conductor bar and festoon selections, custom pendant selector, and bumper calculator.
> The quotation creation and management process has been streamlined.
> Speed and efficiency has been enhanced
For further information click our Quick Quote FAQ Sheet.
The old Quick Quote Web is still accessible by clicking the "Quick Quote Classic" button in the blue box above.
To access Quick Quote, you will need a Partners Login. Contact to inquire about a login code, or call us at (1) 800 521 4888 or (1) 402 339 9300 Press 1 for Customer Service.
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