ENDO Long Stroke Spring Balancers are designed for high ceiling applications. They provide true "zero gravity" tool holding with no drifting or strain. The tapered drums and quality springs and bearings provide smooth cable travel throughout the stroke. Tension adjustment is easy and precise. The ELF models offer both the automatic brake and the manual drum safety lock. In the event that a spring breaks, an automatic centrifugal brake engages and locks, preventing damage to the tool. With the manual lock engaged, the drum will not rotate. This allows for easy change out or maintenance of tools.
Choose the correct balancer based on the total weight to be balanced (tool and all accessories) and stroke requirements. Try to utilize the upper range of the balancer capacity ratings.
- Cast aluminum case and a forged swivel hook.
- Automatic Safety Brake
- Manual Drum Safety Lock
- Exclusive 18 month warranty.

List Price (USD)
893.35 Each

List Price (USD)
2,394.60 Each

List Price (USD)
2,512.24 Each

List Price (USD)
1,379.24 Each

List Price (USD)
801.85 Each

List Price (USD)
1,507.80 Each

List Price (USD)
1,849.86 Each

List Price (USD)
819.26 Each

List Price (USD)
1,926.11 Each

List Price (USD)
2,300.91 Each
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